Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Autumn Leaves

While on our daily walk, we noticed that the older neighbor on the corner could use a little help raking leaves off his VERY large yard.  So, we decided it would be a really great project for the kids (and all of us really,) to give just a little back to someone in the neighborhood.  So, I got a few things together, and went leaf crazy!!!
My energy to accomplish my task.

The very large yard absolutely covered in leaves.

Me, Amanda, Jaxon and Elder Kuli Yes,we were even fortunate enough to round up some young men to contribute!!

Elder Kuli from Tonga.  He worked very hard.  But sheesh, look at those biceps...He was good to have around.  We will feed him and his missionary companion dinner tomorrow for all their trouble.

Carson and his headphones, ready to man the leaf blower!

Mason and Carson

Amanda worked very hard....

And so did Emma

Elder Bennet manned the leaf blower.

Adam was on bag duty, and we filled a bunch of them!!!

Adam's mom, Lisa.
Here's the whole group that participated.  I think we filled more than  35 bags, I lost count.  My body is sore and tired and my face a little sunburned,  It was truly one of the best days I have spent with my kids.  They are worn out, I can hear their heavy "sleep breathing" as I write.
It was so exciting to hear the girls and Adam talking about how much fun they were having.  I was so proud of all of them!  Thank you Elder's Bennett and Kuli.  Your strong arms and backs saved our lives!  Without you, we would still be raking...

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