Monday, May 31, 2010

The Meanest Mom Ever!!

I'm not quite sure how this happened but, apparently I have become the "meanest mom ever!" Of course, this phrase only makes it's appearance when it is past bedtime and I'm refusing to allow them out of bed, or at the Wal-Mart checkout when I have 4 kids all trying to get me to buy them one of each of the various sundries that the store strategically markets to bored children. These can become quite a stumbling block for parents who are trying to keep their kids somewhat in check. (Aw heck, who am I fooling? I'm surviving by the skin of my teeth at the checkout and my kids certainly are NOT in check.) I'm thinking of buying blinders for our next shopping trip ;o) I guess as my kids (Jax in particular) understand it, saying "no" makes you a mean mommy.

Can I get an AMEN from all the mean mommies out there????

Hey, if anyone in this house has the right to say I'm the meanest mom, it would be these 2 cats.



Both cats came to me as a result of a friend marrying someone who was horribly allergic to them. She gave them to me and now they are just part of the family! Soooooo, for their wedding, I dressed 2 unhappy cats in some finery and took pictures. Don't they look excited??

Ahem, back to the kids...Being called the "meanest mom" or even the occasional "I hate you" are things that just roll right off my back. You see, I think I may have said the same thing to my mom when I was little...
If it means that they will grow up with a little bit of self control and self respect, well, I'll wear the "mean mommy" badge proudly!!


COME ON BABY said...

Well I hope to me mean just like YOU one day :)

Jackie said...

Funny, I was just telling one of my kids yesterday if I went a whole day without someone telling me I was the meanest mom ever than I had not done my job for the day!!! So amen from me!