Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lost in Translation

Although I homeschool the quadruplets, the identical boys attend speech therapy once a week at the local elementary school. They have always had a speech delay and I really appreciate the help of their wonderful therapist.

Their speech is really improving and I'm a little sad for the day when they no longer make me laugh simply because they innocently mispronounced a word. A couple of my recent favorites:

Both of them leave out the "N" in the word function. Without the "N" properly placed in the word, they tell me they are building their Lego's with "power fu_ctions" and the sentence takes on a whole new meaning...oops!

Also, the "S" should become before the "K" when asking for their Mario-Kart Wii "DISK" (I'll give you a second to think about that one.) Guess we should work on that too, but it always makes me snicker. (I'm terrible, I know...)

And finally, perhaps I should tell Carson that the word is "peanuts," not "penis," but honestly, what fun would that be??

1 comment:

Karla Coelho said...

hahahaha! My Brother changed the "p" by "c" and the "m" by "g". Today, hw can write and he never put "n" in all the words.

All autistics have concrete thinking and because of this we laugh a lot. We tell a lot of funny dialogues in our blog.

Ex: Luiz Júnior, Let's go out to have dinner? Today is mother's day!
Luiz Júnior: on the street?

Eat a little, Lu. You did not eat yet.
Luiz ate two spoons and said:
Finish, you said "a little"

Do you know about the diet free of gluten and caseina?

Kissses from Brazil! Karla.