Friday, January 9, 2009

Look Ma, No Cavities!

Just before Christmas, I finally got around to taking the kids to their first Dentist visit. Some of you may be thinking "hmmmm, aren't they six?" And my answer is yes, they are six and I'm only 3 years late scheduling the first official cleaning and x-rays.
Better late than never, right?

Jaxon is one cool dude!

Here he is getting ready for x-rays.

I think he looks like one of those Star Wars
storm troopers preparing for battle.

Open Wide!!

Carson's Clean!

In the end, everyone

Shows off

Their beautiful smiles
Amanda's about to lose
her first tooth!

Even (the now late) Marie
got in on the action!

All in all, it was a GREAT visit. No crying, nothing broken in the office and NO CAVITIES!!! I only wish that such a great visit meant that we could skip the next 6 years of dental visits. As their "practice teeth" (as I call them) begin to fall out, I guess I'll need to be more conscientious of their pretty, new, "forever" teeth and yes, schedule those visits regularly.


Jackie said...

Good job, we have already spent a lot of time and money at the dentist. :> Actually, not too much for the quads however their older brothers. And that is probably the only reason the quads have been is because i was already scheduling appointments so what is four more. :>

Cathy Holt said...

Awww I think 6 yrs old is a good year to start seeing dentist because that age is more courage and mature to sit and open their mouth for dentist. Alex had his first dentist at age of 6, too. He just refused 2 years before. Uhmmm is Marie back to life?

Four babies 4 us said...

No, Marie did not come back from the dead. My blog is a little out of order. We went to the dentist a couple of days before Marie went bye-bye.

L. Taggart said...

I don't think you took too long to get them there. I do not exactly look forward to taking my four all at once. Stephen had a hard time up till this year, he is now 7... I might wait for the kids to be 6 too. Thanks for the great idea! You are always so full of great advice and ideas! Love ya!